Castilaw Cookies bakes for a cause

Gracie Castilaw donates $611 to the Heartbeat Pregnancy Center of Nacogdoches

Gracie Castilaw is a junior at Central Heights High School. She started her business Castilaw Cookies at the beginning of this year. During the month of October, she donated half of her sales to the Heartbeat Pregnancy Center. The organization helps women who are pregnant by offering support, giving professional advice and providing free ultrasounds. Castilaw wanted to do something more with her business and make a difference in other people’s lives.

“About two years ago, my dad donated an ultrasound machine in honor of my mom to them, and so whenever October came around I wanted to be doing something a little more with my business,” Castilaw said. “I wanted to be able to turn it into a ministry other than just a business.”

Castlaw wanted to donate to one of her mom’s favorite ministries. Her mom always had a heart for the ministry and donated her time and money there.

“Growing up my mom always donated a lot. We would go shopping and she would buy stuff and take it to them after we got back into town,” Castilaw said.

Castilaw wanted to do something special with her business and honor her mom for the month of October. 

“Because it was breast cancer month and the month that she died, I wanted to be able to honor her in some way. I knew that she would want the money to go to Heartbeat,” Castilaw said.

Castilaw accumulated a generous amount of orders during the month of October. 

“My end contribution was $611. Then I got a $100 check made out to Heartbeat Pregnancy Center from Marcy and Shannon Smith,” Castilaw said. “About a week later, Carl Davis donated a $111 check to match what I had given. In total $1322 was donated to Heartbeat.”

By donating to the Heartbeat Pregnancy Center, Castilaw says that the money will go towards many of the organization’s needs for the future.

“They didn’t tell me specifically what they would use it for but I do know that my goal was to hit $1200, so I could donate $600,” Castilaw said.