Band marches for middle school and elementary

The Central Heights Blue Devil Band marching to the elementary

After practicing for only four weeks, the band has shown school spirit by playing Halloween-themed songs for middle school and elementary. 

“It was very fun,” said Jaden Lott, senior and clarinetist. “The kids were dancing in the hallway and clapping along to Thriller and Ghostbusters.”

According to Lott, the band had lots of fun as well. 

“The band loved it,” she said. “We hope to do it again for Christmas.”

The weather that day proved to be a bit of an obstacle, but the band pushed through.

“The weather was very windy when we went outside,” said Nolan Sparks, senior and percussionist. “It was affecting the band very harshly.”

The march had an impact on middle school. Many of the younger students are excited at the prospect of performing with the high school band. 

“They were very thrilled,” band director Kayla Myers said. “It was a nice opportunity for them to watch the band in action.”

Caleigh Bicknell, middle school student and euphonist, was inspired by the band. 

“Watching my sister and the other high schoolers play for us was awesome!” she said. “I literally can’t wait to be able to play like them.”

Though the band did not have a lot of time to practice, Myers is confident that they did a good job. According to Myers, she is ready to see the improvements that the band will make in the future. 

“I feel like with the time that we were given, and the amount of practice, we did a very good job,” Myers said. “I’m looking forward to seeing how much better we improve the next time we decide to march.”