High school renovates track


Shelly Binford posing in front of the newly renovated track

Track season is going to look a little different for runners this year. The athletic department decided to make a few changes to the track by resurfacing and adding a field for the soccer program that is being offered to students this school year. The initial reconstruction of the track began in early November. 

The decision to do these renovations was a result of many years of athletes being injured due to the poor running conditions of the old track. Prior to the updates being made, the track was very thin which resulted in injuries such as shin splints or muscle tears. 

“When [the track] was originally done, it was not done to the standards it should have been,” Principal Johnathan Vick said. “We’ve had a lot of injuries over the years, and by doing this we are actually going to take the track and make it an inch and a half to two inches thicker. It is going to be done to the quality that should have been done a long time ago.” 

Although the track is being improved in both quality and visual appeal, track meets will still not be hosted at the school. 

“The issue with track meets is not so much the track, but it’s the fact that we don’t have lights,” Vick said. “Some track meets can go on until 9 or 10 o’clock at night, so you need lights in order to host track meets.”

One of the largest changes to the track is going to be visual. A total change in color is occurring. 

“It’s going to be the official track color which is a reddish-orange color,” Vick said. 

With the addition of soccer to our athletic program, a soccer field is going to be added to the center of the track. This will provide the new program with a proper place to practice rather than the grass field that existed before.

“U.I.L. allows multiple size fields to be played on,” Vick said. “The field is already U.I.L. size without needing to do anything to it.”

The updates on the track are running right on the projected schedule. They are supposed to be finished and ready to be practiced on in time for track and soccer season. 

“The jumping pits are done, and they are working on the actual track part now,” Vick said. “They should have the rubber surface finished, and then, they will come back in two weeks and add the final coat which is when the color will be added.”