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The Daily Blue

The Student News Site of Central Heights High School

The Daily Blue

The Daily Blue

Third time’s the charm

Kalen Carrell, News Writer
February 7, 2025

The Superbowl is once again on the horizon, and just like the past two years, it has the Kansas City Chiefs in it. However, this is a bit more of an interesting matchup because the outcome for this year’s...

Graduation should be moved to S.F.A. Coliseum

Hallie Flynn, News Writer
January 16, 2025

The Class of 2025 and the families of the graduates are advocating for the graduation ceremony to be moved to the William R Johnson Coliseum. The cost of the facility has been offered to be paid for by...

Senior Hallie Flynn explains to her lunch table how fabulous the chicken spaghetti is.

Where is the chicken spaghetti?

Hallie Flynn, Columnist
December 6, 2024

It is undeniable that chicken spaghetti is one of the best meals in the cafeteria. I check the menu for chicken spaghetti every time it is posted, and it has yet to hit the lunch line this year. The...

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump shake hands as the debate on September 11, 2024, begins.

Presidential candidates meet in first debate

Logan Sanches, News Writer
September 20, 2024

On September 11, 2024, the first presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris occurred. Trump’s performance in this debate was fairly tame compared to...

Ty Myers plays the guitar on stage at Banita Creek Hall, and Ty Myers takes a picture with Autumn Weatherford .

Concert Review

Autumn Weatherford, News Writer
September 18, 2024

This past weekend, the rising 17-year-old country singer Ty Myers performed at Banita Creek Hall. Busy concert nights at Banita Creek are nothing short of amazing, and Ty Myers’ concert was no different. Jackson...

Never forget 9/11

Never forget 9/11

Brett Miller, News Writer
September 11, 2024

As each year swings by, numerous dates pass such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter; however, there is one date that stands out. That date united America and should never be forgotten: September 11,...

Change in dress code causes controversy

Hallie Flynn, Writer
September 9, 2022

Students are upset about the updated dress code. If girls want to wear leggings, their shirt must reach 7 inches from the bent knee. With new authority, this rule is being heavily enforced.  I...

Central Heights dress code needs update

Allison Durham, Writer
September 27, 2021

It is my body, so it should be my choice. Since the school year has started, teachers and administrators have taken the dress code this year very seriously. Many students have been sent to the office because...

Bullying the Bully: Is it Right to Fight Back?

Trinity Creamer, Writer
October 4, 2020

As a human being, we have two main instincts: fight or flight. What happens when we choose to fight? We’re allowed to punch back, right? Actually, it’s encouraged that we don’t. Bullying is defined...

Give Blood, Save Lives

Kylie Gast, Editor
January 28, 2020

Students at Central Heights High School are given the opportunity to easily donate blood multiple times throughout the school year. The “blood bus” waits outside the school, and a stream of students...

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